The Last Days of New Paris, by China Miéville

In The Last Days of New Paris China Miéville has invented new words and languages, like he has done in many of his mind-boggling SF works.

Published by Del Rey, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House, New York, hardcover, Aug. 9 2016, 224 pages.In The Last Days of New Paris China Miéville has invented new words and languages, like he has done in many of his mind-boggling SF works. Reading it made me realize that I simply do not know enough about the SF genre. It was impossible for me to judge it one way or another. A thumbs up or down was out of the question. Why? Because, apart from producing a doozy of an SF adventure, he turns many SF conventions on their heads in this book. It isn’t a Man Booker contender, but is sure is a candidate for every SF literature award out there. (Continue reading…)

About M. Bijman

Avid reader, longtime writer of book reviews and literary analyses. Interested in literature, creativity and cognition, language and linguistics, musicology, and technology. Occasionally writes poems and bits of music.

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