The 100-year-old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, by Jonas Jonasson

This seemed to be a good idea for a novel - an old-age-pensioner version of “Forrest Gump”. It was mildly funny and entertaining at first, but it becomes predictable. It is basically a modern version of a folkloristic quest tale.

The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and DisappearedThis seemed to be a good idea for a novel – an old-age-pensioner version of “Forrest Gump”. It was mildly funny and entertaining at first, but after the so-manyeth incident where the old man and his companions almost get into trouble but then get saved by some amazing coincidence, it becomes predictable. It is basically a modern version of a folkloristic quest tale. “Allan Karlsson”, the 100-year-old man of the title, meets a number of oddball characters on his quest to get out of the old-age home in which he has ended up, and recalls the quests on which he embarked throughout his life. (Continue reading…)

About M. Bijman

Avid reader, longtime writer of book reviews and literary analyses. Interested in literature, creativity and cognition, language and linguistics, musicology, and technology. Occasionally writes poems and bits of music.

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